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The SOEKER album, an Afrikaans Electro Pop Album, was created through Jungian Archetype music therapy. During these therapy sessions I explored various of my personal archetypes that presented themselves during my sessions with music therapist, Hermi Viljoen. I started my first sessions just before the lockdown in 2020. Each Archetype is in turn represented by a portrait of myself, taken by the talented Pierre van Vuuren exploring the colours and dimensions of each character.


The album as a whole is the completion of the 'hero's journey'. Though each portrait was inspired by a song on the album, the names do not correspond. This allows the listener to have a unique experience when listening to the music; finding their own archetypes and completing their personal hero's journey in the process. The album consists of 6 lyrical songs and two instrumental pieces. Al the lyrics were written by myself in the creative process, except Boland which uses the poem of Breyten Breytenbach's Wy and the lyrics of Liglied, which was written by Elme Ravenscroft.

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The AULA album release of contemporary classical music composed by Pieter Bezuidenhout.

Featuring performances by Pieter Bezuidenhout, Magdalene Minnaar, Maryke Swanepoel, Visser Liebenberg, Tertia Visser-Downie, Jessica Ng, Ching Man Ho Judy and Nicholas Haralambous.

Performance of Die Nuwe Verbond that I conducted at Poetry International in Rotterdam with Antjie Krog and Antoni Schonken. This work gained critical acclaim earlier in 2019 when it was presented at both the US Woordfees and the Suid-Ooosterfees in Cape Town. The performances were made possible by the Nationale Afrikaanse Teater Iniatief (NaTi).


The Royal Madness takes another leap, this time into the realm of trap covers! Using nothing but 8 human voices, we present "Outside", a trap-style acapella mash-up.

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